Turns warning messages on (default) or off
show: integer value. Specify non-zero to show messages (default) or zero to hide messages.
» handle=capeOpenGetPackage('TEA (CAPE-OPEN 1.1)','C1_C2'); » capeOpen1PhaseProp(handle,'enthalpy','vapor',5000,101325,[0.5 0.5]) Warning: CAPE-OPEN: TEA warning: Temperature out of correlation range for CP for compound Methane in enthalpy calculations (T = 5000 K, range = [50.00 - 1000.00] K) Warning: CAPE-OPEN: TEA warning: Temperature out of correlation range for CP for compound Ethane in enthalpy calculations (T = 5000 K, range = [50.00 - 1000.00] K) ans = 4.3200e+007 » capeOpenShowMessages(0) » capeOpen1PhaseProp(handle,'enthalpy','vapor',5000,101325,[0.5 0.5]) ans = 4.3200e+007