Creates or retrieves a handle to a CAPE-OPEN property package. This handle can be used in subsequent calls to all information functions and property or equilibrium calculation functions.
A list of installed property package managers can be obtained using capeOpenPackageManagers. The names of property packages exposed by a given property package manager can be obtained using capeOpenPackages.
A property package must always be created before it can be used.
mgr: string, name of an installed property package manager or stand-alone property package
packageName: string, name of the property package to create. The value of the string is ignored for a stand-alone property package.
handle: handle to the created property package.
» mgrs=capeOpenPackageManagers() mgrs = 'Multiflash Property Package Manager' 'Simulis CAPE-OPENr Thermo System (1.0) / P.P.M. (1.1)' 'Water' 'VMG Thermo Property Package Manager 1.1' 'OATS Property Package Manager (CAPE-OPEN 1.1)' 'TEA (CAPE-OPEN 1.1)' » tea=mgrs(6) tea = 'TEA (CAPE-OPEN 1.1)' » capeOpenPackages(tea) ans = 'C1_C2' 'C1_C2 (EOS)' 'n-depropropanizer' 'alkanes' 'HDA' 'Water-nButanol-UNIQUAC' 'ethane prod' 'test' 'Ethanol2Ether' » handleC1C2=capeOpenCreatePackage(tea,'C1_C2') handleC1C2 = 7772 » handleC1C2=capeOpenCreatePackage('TEA (CAPE-OPEN 1.1)','C1_C2') handleC1C2 = 7772 » % note that the package is not re-created and the handle is the same » capeOpenPackages('Water') ans = '(stand-alone)' » handleWater=capeOpenCreatePackage('Water','') handleWater = 32053