© 2025 Jasper van Baten, AmsterCHEM


Welcome to our main download page. Please see cocosimulator.org for COCO related downloads.

This page changes frequently. If you want to be up to date with updates, subscribe to our mailing list. For the Matlab, SciLab, REFPROP, Python and Excel CAPE-OPEN tools, you will be notified of updates to the software that you have registered for. The OpenOffice CAPE-OPEN extension will update itself.

filesize description platform last update
ExcelCAPEOPENThermo. 1013 KB Excel CAPE-OPEN Thermo Import installation file. Windows, Requires Microsoft Excel 2010 or higher17 jun 2019
ExcelCAPEOPENUnitOperation. 1,738 KB Excel CAPE-OPEN Unit Operation installation file. Windows, Requires Microsoft Excel 2010 or higher11 mar 2022
filesize description platform last update
MatlabCapeOpenUnitOperation. 1740 KB Matlab CAPE-OPEN Unit Operation Windows installer. Windows, Matlab 7.7 (or higher)19 jan 2025
MatlabCapeOpenThermoImport. 1066 KB Matlab CAPE-OPEN Thermo Import installation file. Windows, Matlab 7.7 (or higher)13 aug 2024
filesize description platform last update
PythonUnitOperation. 12398 KB Python Unit Operation installation file. Windows, Python 3.8 (or higher)03 mar 2025
capeopen_thermo-1.0.12-cp37-cp37m-win_amd64.whl 236 KB Python CAPE-OPEN Thermo Import version 1.0.12 wheel. Windows, win_amd64 version of C-Python 3.703 oct 2023
capeopen_thermo-1.0.12-cp37-cp37m-win32.whl 205 KB Python CAPE-OPEN Thermo Import version 1.0.12 wheel. Windows, win32 version of C-Python 3.703 oct 2023
capeopen_thermo-1.0.12-cp38-cp38-win_amd64.whl 236 KB Python CAPE-OPEN Thermo Import version 1.0.12 wheel. Windows, win_amd64 version of Python 3.803 oct 2023
capeopen_thermo-1.0.12-cp38-cp38-win32.whl 205 KB Python CAPE-OPEN Thermo Import version 1.0.12 wheel. Windows, win32 version of Python 3.803 oct 2023
capeopen_thermo-1.0.12-cp39-cp39-win_amd64.whl 236 KB Python CAPE-OPEN Thermo Import version 1.0.12 wheel. Windows, win_amd64 version of Python 3.903 oct 2023
capeopen_thermo-1.0.12-cp39-cp39-win32.whl 205 KB Python CAPE-OPEN Thermo Import version 1.0.12 wheel. Windows, win32 version of Python 3.903 oct 2023
capeopen_thermo-1.0.12-cp310-cp310-win_amd64.whl 236 KB Python CAPE-OPEN Thermo Import version 1.0.12 wheel. Windows, win_amd64 version of Python 3.1003 oct 2023
capeopen_thermo-1.0.12-cp310-cp310-win32.whl 205 KB Python CAPE-OPEN Thermo Import version 1.0.12 wheel. Windows, win32 version of Python 3.1003 oct 2023
capeopen_thermo-1.0.12-cp311-cp311-win_amd64.whl 236 KB Python CAPE-OPEN Thermo Import version 1.0.12 wheel. Windows, win_amd64 version of Python 3.1103 oct 2023
capeopen_thermo-1.0.12-cp311-cp311-win32.whl 205 KB Python CAPE-OPEN Thermo Import version 1.0.12 wheel. Windows, win32 version of Python 3.1103 oct 2023
capeopen_thermo-1.0.12-cp312-cp312-win_amd64.whl 236 KB Python CAPE-OPEN Thermo Import version 1.0.12 wheel. Windows, win_amd64 version of Python 3.1203 oct 2023
capeopen_thermo-1.0.12-cp312-cp312-win32.whl 205 KB Python CAPE-OPEN Thermo Import version 1.0.12 wheel. Windows, win32 version of Python 3.1203 oct 2023
capeopen_thermo-1.0.12-cp313-cp313-win_amd64.whl 235 KB Python CAPE-OPEN Thermo Import version 1.0.12 wheel. Windows, win_amd64 version of Python 3.1326 oct 2024
capeopen_thermo-1.0.12-cp313-cp313-win32.whl 205 KB Python CAPE-OPEN Thermo Import version 1.0.12 wheel. Windows, win32 version of Python 3.1326 oct 2024
 OpenOffice Calc CAPE-OPEN
filesize description platform last update
OOCO.OXT 187 KB OpenOffice CAPE-OPEN Thermo Import OpenOffice Extension. OpenOffice 3.2+ Windows, 32-bit02 mar 2012
 REFPROP CAPE-OPEN Property Package Manager
filesize description platform last update
REFPROP_CAPEOPEN. 893 KB REFPROP CAPE-OPEN Property Package Manager 1.0.30 Windows, Requires REFPROP 8.0+07 dec 2023
filesize description platform last update
ScilabCapeOpenUnitOperation. 2079 KB SciLab CAPE-OPEN Unit Operation Windows installer. Windows, 32-bit version of SciLab 5.02 (or higher) or 64-bit version of SciLab 5.4 (or higher)23 may 2024
ScilabThermoImport. 2562 KB SciLab CAPE-OPEN Thermo Import installation file. Windows, 32-bit version of SciLab 5.02 (or higher) or 64-bit version of SciLab 5.4 (or higher)12 sep 2023
filesize description platform last update
FlowExchange. 795 KB FlowExchange package and source code Windows, .NET 4.6.107 feb 2023
filesize description platform last update
ThermoSystemAdapter. 442 KB ThermoSystemAdapter CAPE-OPEN version 1.1 Property Package Manager and source code Windows17 may 2016
filesize description platform last update
ScanIt. KB ScanIt installation file.Windows03 aug 2021