© 2025 Jasper van Baten, AmsterCHEM


List of publications by year: 2025, 2024, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001, 2000, 1999, 1998


Krishna, R., van Baten, J. M., Elucidating the Failure of the Ideal Adsorbed Solution Theory for CO2/H2O Mixture Adsorption in CALF-20, Sep. Purif. Technol. 2025, 352, 128269

Krishna, R., van Baten, J. M., Non-Idealities in adsorption thermodynamics for CO2 capture from humid natural gas using CALF-20, Sep. Purif. Technol. 2025, 355, Part A, 129553

Krishna, R., van Baten, J. M., How Reliable is the Real Adsorbed Solution Theory (RAST) for Estimating Ternary Mixture Equilibrium in Microporous Host Materials?, Fluid Phase Equilib. 2025, 589, 114260

Krishna, R., van Baten, J. M., Highlighting the Technological Consequences of Thermodynamic Non-Idealities in Mixture Separations using Microporous Crystalline Adsorbents, Sep. Purif. Technol. 2025, 362, Part 2, 131757

Andreasen, A., van Baten, J.M., Techno-Economic Analysis and Optimization of Gray and Green Methanol Synthesis Using Flowsheet Automation and Surrogate Modeling, Energy Fuels 2025

Moreton, J. C., Krishna, R., van Baten, J. M., Fylstra, N., Chen, M., Carr, T., Fielder, K., Chan, K., Shimizu, G. K. H., Yamamoto, S., Thin Film Approach to Rapid, Quantitative Measurements of Mixed-Gas Adsorption Equilibrium in Nanoporous Materials, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2025, 64, 2240-2246

2024: back to top

Krishna, R., van Baten, J. M., Fundamental Insights into the Variety of Factors that Influence Water/Alcohol Membrane Permeation Selectivity, J. Membr. Sci. 2024, 698, 122635

Zhou, J., Han, X., Ke, T., van Baten, J. M., Bao, Z., Zhang, Z., Krishna, R., Ren, Q., Yang, Q., Engineering pore limiting diameter of metal-organic frameworks for the benchmark separation of mono- and di-branched hexane isomers, Chem. Eng. J. 2024, 488, 150833

Moreton, J. C.; Krishna, R.; Van Baten, J. M.; Fylstra, N.; Chen, M.; Carr, T.; Fielder, K.; Chan, K.; Shimizu, G. K. H.; Yamamoto, S, A Thin Film Approach to Rapid, Quantitative Measurements of Mixed-Gas Adsorption Equilibrium in Nanoporous Materials, ChemRxiv 2024, 1-20

2022: back to top

Krishna, R., van Baten, J.M., Using the Spreading Pressure to Inter-Relate the Characteristics of Unary, Binary and Ternary Mixture Permeation across Microporous Membranes, J. Membr. Sci. 643 (2022) 120049

Krishna, R., Van Baten, J. M., Highlighting the Anti-Synergy between Adsorption and Diffusion in Cation-Exchanged Faujasite Zeolites, ACS Omega 2022, 7, 13050-13056

2021: back to top

Liu, Z., Yuan, J., van Baten, J.M., Zhou, J., Tang, X., Zhao, C., Chen, W., Yi, X., Krishna, R., Sastre, G., Zheng, A., Synergistically enhance confined diffusion by continuum intersecting channels in zeolites, Sci. Adv. 7 (2021) eabf0775

Krishna, R., van Baten, J.M., How Reliable is the Ideal Adsorbed Solution Theory for Estimation of Mixture Separation Selectivities in Microporous Crystalline Adsorbents?, ACS Omega 6 (2021) 15499-15513

2020: back to top

Krishna, R., van Baten, J.M., Elucidation of Selectivity Reversals for Binary Mixture Adsorption in Microporous Adsorbents, ACS Omega 5 (2020) 9031-9040.

Krishna, R., van Baten, J.M., Using Molecular Simulations for Elucidation of Thermodynamic Non-Idealities in Adsorption of CO2-containing Mixtures in NaX Zeolite, ACS Omega 5 (2020) 20535-20542

Krishna, R., van Baten, J.M., Water/Alcohol Mixture Adsorption in Hydrophobic Materials: Enhanced Water Ingress caused by Hydrogen Bonding, ACS Omega 5 (2020) 28393-28402

Shen, J., He, X., Ke, T., Krishna, R., van Baten, J.M., Chen, R., Bao, Z., Xing, H., Dinca, M., Zhang, Z., Yang, Q., Ren, Q., Simultaneous interlayer and intralayer space control in two-dimensional metal-organic frameworks for acetylene/ethylene separation, Nat. Commun. 11 (2020) 6259

Krishna, R., van Baten, J.M., Using Molecular Simulations to Unravel the Benefits of Characterizing Mixture Permeation in Microporous Membranes in Terms of the Spreading Pressure, ACS Omega 5 (2020) 32769-32780

2019: back to top

Krishna, R., van Baten, J.M., Elucidating Traffic Junction Effects in MFI Zeolite using Kinetic Monte Carlo Simulations, ACS Omega 4 (2019) 10761-10766

2018: back to top

Krishna, R., van Baten, J.M., Using Molecular Dynamics Simulations for Elucidation of Molecular Traffic in Ordered Crystalline Microporous Materials, Microporous Mesoporous Mater. 258 (2018) 151-169

Krishna, R., van Baten, J.M., Baur, R., Highlighting the Origins and Consequences of Thermodynamic Nonidealities in Mixture Separations using Zeolites and Metal-Organic Frameworks, Microporous Mesoporous Mater. 267 (2018) 274-292

Krishna, R., Van Baten, J.M., Investigating the Non-idealities in Adsorption of CO2-bearing Mixtures in Cation-exchanged Zeolites, Sep. Purif. Technol. 206 (2018) 208-217

2017: back to top

Krishna, R., van Baten, J.M., Screening Metal-Organic Frameworks for Separation of Pentane Isomers, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 19 (2017) 8380-8387

Krishna, R., Baur, R., van Baten, J.M., Highlighting Diffusional Coupling Effects in Zeolite Catalyzed Reactions by Combining the Maxwell-Stefan and Langmuir-Hinshelwood Formulations, React. Chem. Eng. 2 (2017) 324-336

Krishna, R., van Baten, J.M., Commensurate-Incommensurate Adsorption and Diffusion in Ordered Crystalline Microporous Materials, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 19 (2017) 20320-20337

2016: back to top

Krishna, R., van Baten, J.M., Describing Diffusion in Fluid Mixtures at Elevated Pressures by Combining the Maxwell-Stefan Formulation with an Equation of State, Chem. Eng. Sci. 153 (2016) 174-187

2015: back to top

Pernalete, C.G., van Baten, J., Urbina, J.C.and Arévalo, J.F., A molecular reconstruction feed characterization and CAPE OPEN implementation strategy to develop a tool for modeling HDT reactors for light petroleum cuts, Krist V. Gernaey, Jakob K. Huusom and Rafiqul Gani (Eds.), 12th International Symposium on Process Systems Engineering and 25th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering, 31 May - 4 June 2015, Copenhagen, Denmark.

2014: back to top

Titze, T., Chmelik, C., Kärger, J., van Baten, J., Krishna, R., Uncommon Synergy Between Adsorption and Diffusion of Hexane Isomer Mixtures in MFI Zeolite Induced by Configurational Entropy Effects, J. Phys. Chem. C 116 (2014) 2660-2665

van Baten, J., Pons, M., CAPE-OPEN: Interoperability in Industrial Flowsheet Simulation Software, Chem. Ing. Tech. 2014, 86, No. 7, 1-14

2013: back to top

Krishna, R., van Baten, J.M., Investigating the Influence of Diffusional Coupling on Mixture Permeation across Porous Membranes, J. Membr. Sci. 430 (2013) 113-128.

Krishna, R., van Baten, J.M., Influence of Adsorption Thermodynamics on Guest Diffusivities in Nanoporous Crystalline Materials, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 15 (2013) 7994-8016

Herm, Z.R., Wiers, B.M., van Baten, J.M., Hudson, M.R., Zajdel, P., Brown, C.M., Maschiocchi, N., Krishna, R. and Long, J.R., Separation of Hexane Isomers in a Metal-Organic Framework with Triangular Channels, Science 340 (2013) 960-964

2012: back to top

Krishna, R., van Baten, J.M., Investigating the validity of the Bosanquet formula for estimation of diffusivities in mesopores, Chem. Eng. Sci. 69 (2012) 684-688

Krishna, R., van Baten, J.M., A comparison of the CO2 capture characteristics of zeolites and metal-organic frameworks, Separation and Purification Technology, 87 (2012) 120-126.

Chmelik, C., van Baten, J.M., Krishna, R., Hindering effects in CO2/CH4 mixture diffusion in ZIF-8 crystals, J. Membr. Sci. 397-398 (2012) 87-91.

Krishna, R., van Baten, J.M., Investigating the Relative Influences of Molecular Dimensions and Binding Energies on Diffusivities of Guest Species Inside Nanoporous Crystalline Materials, J. Phys. Chem. C 116 (2012) 23556-23568.

Barrett, W.M., van Baten, J.M., Evaluating Process Sustainability Using Flowsheet Monitoring, Chemical Engineering & Technology 35, 8 (2012), DOI: 10.1002/ceat.201100603

2011: back to top

Krishna, R., van Baten, J.M., A molecular dynamics investigation of the diffusion characteristics of cavity-type zeolites with 8-ring windows, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 137, 83-91 (2011)

Krishna, R., van Baten, J.M., A molecular dynamics investigation of the unusual concentration dependencies of Fick diffusivities in silica mesopores, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 138, 228-234 (2011)

Krishna, R., van Baten, J.M., A simplified procedure for estimation of mixture permeances from unary permeation data, J. Membr. Sci. 367 (2011) 204-210

Krishna, R., van Baten, J.M., Entropy-based separation of linear chain molecules by exploiting differences in the saturation capacities in cage-type zeolites, Separation and Purification Technology, 76 (2011) 325-330

Krishna, R., van Baten, J.M., Influence of adsorption on the diffusion selectivity for mixture permeation across mesoporous membranes, J. Membr. Sci. 369 (2011) 545-549.

Krishna, R., van Baten, J.M., A rationalization of the Type IV loading dependence in the Kärger-Pfeifer classification of self-diffusivities, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 142 (2011) 745-748.

Krishna, R., van Baten, J.M., In silico screening of metal-organic frameworks in separation applications, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 13 (2011) 10593-10616

van Baten, J.M., Szczepanski, R., A thermodynamic equilibrium reactor model as a CAPE-OPEN unit operation, Computers and Chemical Engineering 35 (2011) 1251-1256

Krishna, R., van Baten, J.M., Investigating the validity of the Knudsen prescription for diffusivities in a mesoporous covalent organic framework, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 50 (2011) 7083-7087

Krishna, R., van Baten, J.M., Investigating the potential of MgMOF-74 membranes for CO2 capture, J. Membr. Sci. 377 (2011) 249-260

Krishna, R., van Baten, J.M., Maxwell-Stefan modeling of slowing-down effects in mixed gas permeation across porous membranes, J. Membr. Sci. 383 (2011) 289-300

Barrett, W.M., van Baten, J.M., Martin, T., Implementation of the waste reduction (WAR) algorithm utilizing flowsheet monitoring, Computers and Chemical Engineering 35 (2011) 2680-2686

Hibbe, F., van Baten, J.M., Krishna, R., Chmelik, C., Weitkamp, J., Kärger, J., In-Depth Study of Mass Transfer in Nanoporous Materials by Micro-Imaging, Chem. Ing. Tech. 83 (2011) 2211-2218.

2010: back to top

Krishna, R. and van Baten, J.M., Comment on Comparative Molecular Simulation Study of CO2/N2 and CH4/N2 Separation in Zeolites and Metal-Organic Frameworks, Langmuir, 26 (2010) 2975-2978

Hansen, N., Krishna, R., van Baten, J.M., Bell, A.T., Keil, F.J., Reactor simulation of benzene ethylation and ethane dehydrogenation catalyzed by ZSM-5: A multiscale approach, Chemical Engineering Science, 65 (2010) 2472-2480

Krishna, R. and van Baten, J.M., Investigating cluster formation in adsorption of CO2, CH4, and Ar in zeolites and metal organic frameworks at sub-critical temperatures, Langmuir, 26 (2010) 3981-3992

Krishna, R. and van Baten, J.M., Highlighting a variety of unusual characteristics of adsorption and diffusion in microporous materials induced by clustering of guest molecules, Langmuir 26 (2010) 8450-8463.

Krishna, R., and van Baten, J.M., Hydrogen bonding effects in adsorption of water-alcohol mixtures in zeolites and the consequences for the characteristics of the Maxwell-Stefan diffusivities, Langmuir 26 (2010) 10854-10867

Krishna, R., and van Baten, J.M., Describing Mixture Diffusion in Microporous Materials under Conditions of Pore Saturation, J. Phys. Chem. C 114 (2010) 11557-11563.

Krishna, R., and van Baten, J.M., In Silico Screening of Zeolite Membranes for CO2 Capture, J. Membr. Sci. 360 (2010) 323-333 (top cited)

Krishna, R., and van Baten, J.M., Highlighting Pitfalls in the Maxwell-Stefan Modeling of Water-Alcohol Mixture Permeation across Pervaporation Membranes, J. Membr. Sci. 360 (2010) 476-482.

Krishna, R., and van Baten, J.M., Mutual slowing-down effects in mixture diffusion in zeolites, J. Phys. Chem. C 114 (2010) 13154-13156.

Zhao, D., Yuan, D., Krishna, R.,van Baten, J. and Zhou, H., Thermosensitive gating effect and selective gas adsorption in a porous coordination nanocage, Chemical Communications, 46, (2010) 7352-7354

Getzschmann, J., Senkovska, I., Wallacher, D., Tovar, M., Fairen-Jimenez, D., Düren, T., van Baten, J.M., Krishna, R., and Kaskel, S., Methane storage mechanism in the Metal-Organic Framework Cu3(btc)2: An in situ neutron diffraction study, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 136, 50-58 (2010)

Bux, H., Chmelik, C., van Baten, J.M., Krishna, R., Caro, J., Novel MOF-Membrane for Molecular Sieving Predicted by IR-Diffusion Studies and Molecular Modeling, Adv. Mater. 22 (2010) 4741-4743.

Krishna, R., van Baten, J.M., Letter to the Editor: Diffusion under pore saturation conditions, A.I.Ch.E.J., 56 (2010) 3288-3289

Krishna, R., van Baten, J.M., Comment on Modeling Adsorption and Self-Diffusion of Methane in LTA Zeolites: The Influence of Framework Flexibility, J. Phys. Chem. C 114 (2010) 18017-18021

2009: back to top

Chmelik, C., Kärger, J., Wiebcke, M., Caro, J., van Baten, J.M., and Krishna, R., Adsorption and diffusion of alkanes in CuBTC crystals investigated using FTIR microscopy and molecular simulations, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 117, 22-32 (2009)

Hansen, N., Krishna, R., van Baten, J.M., Bell, A.T., Keil, F.J., Analysis of Diffusion Limitation in the Alkylation of Benzene over H-ZSM-5 by Combining Quantum Chemical Calculations, Molecular Simulations, and a Continuum Approach, J.Phys.Chem. C,113, 235-246 (2009)

Krishna, R. and van Baten, J.M., An investigation of the characteristics of Maxwell-Stefan diffusivities of binary mixtures in silica nanopores, Chemical Engineering Science, 64, 870 - 882 (2009)

Heinke, L., Tzoulaki, D., Chmelik, C., Hibbe, F., van Baten, J.M., Lim, H., Li, J., Krishna, R., Kärger, J., Assessing guest diffusivities in porous hosts from transient concentration profiles, Physical Review Letters, 102, 065901 (2009)

Krishna, R. and van Baten, J.M., Unified Maxwell-Stefan description of binary mixture diffusion in micro- and meso- porous materials, Chemical Engineering Science, 64, 3159-3178 (2009)

Chmelik, C., Heinke, L., van Baten, J.M. and Krishna, R., Diffusion of n-butane/iso-butane mixtures in silicalite-1 investigated using infrared (IR) microscopy, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 125, 11-16 (2009)

Seehamart, K., Nanok, T., Krishna, R., van Baten, J. M., Remsungnen, T. and Fritzsche, S., A Molecular Dynamics investigation of the influence of framework flexibility on self-diffusivity of ethane in Zn(tbip) frameworks, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 125, 97-100 (2009)

Krishna, R. and van Baten, J.M., A molecular dynamics investigation of a variety of influences of temperature on diffusion in zeolites, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 125, 126-134 (2009)

Krishna, R. and van Baten, J.M., Separating n-alkanes by exploiting commensurate - incommensurate adsorption effects within the one-dimensional zig-zag channels of cobalt formate frameworks, Molecular Simulation, 35 (2009) 1098-1104

Krishna, R. and van Baten, J.M., A molecular simulation study of commensurate–incommensurate adsorption of n-alkanes in cobalt formate frameworks, Molecular Simulation 35 (2009)

2008: back to top

Krishna, R. and van Baten, J.M., Diffusion of alkane mixtures in MFI zeolite, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 107, 296-298 (2008)

Krishna, R. and van Baten, J.M., Insights into diffusion of gases in zeolites gained from molecular dynamics simulations, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 109, 91-108 (2008)

Krishna, R., Li, S., van Baten, J.M., Falconer, J.L., and Noble, R.D., Investigation of slowing-down and speeding-up effects in binary mixture permeation across SAPO-34 and MFI membranes, Separation and Purification Technology, 60, 230-236 (2008)

Krishna, R. and van Baten, J.M., Separating n-alkane mixtures by exploiting differences in the adsorption capacity within cages of CHA, AFX and ERI zeolites, Separation and Purification Technology, 60, 315 - 320 (2008)

Maesen, T.L.M., Krishna, R., van Baten, J.M., Smit, B., Calero, S., Castillo Sanchez, J.M., Shape selective n-alkane hydroconversion at exterior zeolite surfaces - a critical review, Journal of Catalysis, 256, 95-107 (2008)

Krishna, R. and van Baten, J.M., Segregation effects in adsorption of CO2 containing mixtures and their consequences for separation selectivities in cage-type zeolites, Separation and Purification Technology, 61, 414-423 (2008)

Krishna, R. and van Baten, J.M., Onsager coefficients for binary mixture diffusion in nanopores, Chemical Engineering Science, 63, 3120 - 3140 (2008)

Krishna, R. and van Baten, J.M., Diffusion of hydrocarbon mixtures in MFI zeolite: Influence of intersection blocking, Chemical Engineering Journal, 140, 614-620 (2008)

Chmelik, C., Heinke, L., Kärger, J., Schmidt, W., Shah, D.B., van Baten, J.M., and Krishna, R., Inflection in the loading dependence of the Maxwell-Stefan diffusivity of iso-butane in MFI zeolite, Chemical Physics Letters, 459, 141-145 (2008)

Romanova, E.E., Krause, C.B., Stepanov, A.G., Schmidt, W., van Baten, J.M., Krishna, R., Pampel, A., Kärger, J., Freude, D., 1H NMR signal broadening in spectra of alkane molecules adsorbed on MFI type zeolites, Solid State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, 33, 65-71 (2008)

2007: back to top

Krishna, R. and van Baten, J.M., Screening of zeolite adsorbents for separation of hexane isomers: A molecular simulation study, Separation and Purification Technology, 55, 246-255 (2007)

Krishna, R., van Baten, J.M., García-Pérez, E., and Calero, S., Incorporating the loading dependence of the Maxwell-Stefan diffusivity in the modeling of CH4 and CO2 permeation across zeolite membranes, Ind.Eng.Chem. Research, 46, 2974 -2986 (2007)

Krishna, R. and van Baten, J.M., Using molecular simulations for screening of zeolites for separation of CO2/CH4 mixtures, Chemical Engineering Journal, 133, 121 - 131 (2007)

Krishna, R. and van Baten, J.M., Loading dependence of self-diffusivities of gases in zeolites, Chemical Engineering & Technology, 30, 1235 - 1241 (2007)

Fernández, M., Kärger, J., Freude, D., Pampel, A., van Baten, J.M. and Krishna, R., Mixture diffusion in zeolites studied by MAS PFG NMR and molecular simulation, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 105, 124-131 (2007)

Krishna, R. and van Baten, J.M., Influence of segregated adsorption on mixture diffusion in DDR zeolite, Chemical Physics Letters, 446, 344 - 349 (2007)

García-Pérez, E., Parra, J.B., Ania, C.O., García-Sánchez, A., van Baten, J.M., Krishna, R., Dubbeldam, D., Calero, S., A computational study of CO2, N2 and CH4 adsorption in zeolites, Adsorption 13, 469-476 (2007)

2006: back to top

Jobic, H., Laloué, N., Laroche, C., van Baten, J.M. and Krishna, R., Influence of isotherm inflection on the loading dependence of the diffusivities of n-hexane and n-heptane in MFI zeolite. Quasi-Elastic Neutron Scattering experiments supplemented by molecular simulations, J.Phys.Chem. B 110, 2195-2201 (2006)

Krishna, R. and van Baten, J.M., Linking the loading dependence of the Maxwell-Stefan diffusivity of linear alkanes in zeolites with the thermodynamic correction factor, Chemical Physics Letters, 420, 545 - 549 (2006)

Krishna, R. and van Baten, J.M., Describing binary mixture diffusion in carbon nanotubes with the Maxwell-Stefan equations. An investigation using molecular dynamics simulations, Ind.Eng.Chem. Research, 45, 2084-2093 (2006)

Krishna, R. and van Baten, J.M., MD simulations of diffusivities in methanol - n-hexane mixtures near the liquid-liquid phase splitting region, Chemical Engineering & Technology, 29, 516 - 519 (2006)

Krishna, R. and van Baten, J.M., Validating the Darken relation for diffusivities in fluid mixtures of varying densities by use of MD simulations, Chemical Engineering & Technology, 29, 761 - 765 (2006)

Baur, R., van Baten, J.M., Kooijman, H., Drewitz, W., Cross Platform Modeling of Chemical Processes with CAPE-OPEN, NPT, 4, 22-24 (2006)

Krishna, R., van Baten, J.M., García-Pérez, E., and Calero, S., Diffusion of CH4 and CO2 in MFI, CHA and DDR zeolites, Chemical Physics Letters, 429, 219 - 224 (2006)

Krishna, R. and van Baten, J.M., A Molecular Dynamics investigation of diffusion of methane-ethane and methane-propane mixtures in zeolites, Chemical Engineering & Technology, 29, 1429 - 1437 (2006)

Ellenberger, J., Vandu, C.O., van Baten, J.M., Krishna, R., Response to comments on Exploiting the Bjerknes force in bubble column reactors by M.H.I. Baird, Chemical Engineering Science 61, 20, 6868-6868 (2006)

2005: back to top

van Baten, J.M. and Krishna, R., CFD simulations of wall mass transfer for Taylor flow in circular capillaries, Chemical Engineering Science, 60, 1117 - 1126 (2005)

Krishna, R. and van Baten, J.M., Kinetic Monte Carlo simulations of the loading dependence of diffusion in zeolites, Chemical Engineering & Technology, 28, 160 - 167 (2005)

Krishna, R. and van Baten, J.M., Diffusion of alkane mixtures in zeolites. Validating the Maxwell-Stefan formulation using MD simulations, J.Phys.Chem. B, 109, 6386-6396 (2005)

Krishna, R. and van Baten, J.M., Influence of isotherm inflection on the diffusivities of C5-C8 linear alkanes in MFI zeolite, Chemical Physics Letters, 407, 159 - 165 (2005)

Ellenberger, J., van Baten, J.M. and Krishna, R., Exploiting the Bjerknes force in bubble column reactors, Chemical Engineering Science, 60, 5962-5970 (2005)

Krishna, R. and van Baten, J.M., The Darken relation for multicomponent diffusion in liquid mixtures of linear alkanes. An investigation using Molecular Dynamics (MD) simulations, Ind.Eng.Chem. Research, 44, 6939-6947 (2005)

van Baten, J.M. and Krishna, R., Entropy effects in adsorption and diffusion of alkane isomers in mordenite. An investigation using CBMC and MD simulations, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 84, 179-191 (2005)

2004: back to top

van Baten J.M. and Krishna, R., CFD modelling of a bubble column reactor carrying out a consecutive A → B → C reaction, Chemical Engineering & Technology, 27, 398 - 406 (2004)

van Baten, J.M. and Krishna, R., CFD simulations of mass transfer from Taylor bubbles rising in circular capillaries, Chemical Engineering Science, 59, 2535 - 2545 (2004)

van Baten, J.M. and Krishna, R., Eulerian simulation strategy for scaling up a bubble column slurry reactor for Fischer-Tropsch synthesis, Ind.Eng.Chem. Research, 43, 4483 - 4493 (2004)

van Baten, J.M. and Krishna, R., Scale effects on the hydrodynamics of bubble columns operating in the heterogeneous flow regime, Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 82, 1043 - 1053 (2004)

Krishna, R., van Baten, J.M. and Dubbeldam, D., On the Inflection in the Concentration Dependence of the Maxwell-Stefan diffusivity of CF4 in MFI zeolite, J.Phys.Chem. B, 108, 14820-14822 (2004)

van Baten, J.M. and Krishna. R., CFD modelling of bubble column reactor including the influence of gas contraction, Chemical Engineering & Technology, 27, 1302 - 1308 (2004)

2003: back to top

Krishna, R. and van Baten, J.M., Modelling sieve tray hydraulics using Computational Fluid Dynamics, Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 81, 27 - 38 (2003)

van Baten, J.M., Ellenberger, J. and Krishna, R., Scale-up strategy for bubble column slurry reactors using CFD simulations, Catalysis Today, 79-80, 259-265 (2003)

van Baten, J.M. and Krishna, R., Scale up studies on partitioned bubble column reactors with the aid of CFD simulations, Catalysis Today, 79-80, 219-227 (2003)

Ellenberger, J., van Baten, J.M. and Krishna, R., Intensification of bubble columns by vibration excitement, Catalysis Today, 79-80, 181-188 (2003)

Krishna, R., and van Baten, J.M., Mass transfer in bubble columns, Catalysis Today, 79-80, 67-75 (2003)

van Baten, J.M., Ellenberger, J. and Krishna, R., Hydrodynamics of internal air-lift reactors: Experiments vs. CFD simulations, Chemical Engineering & Processing, 42, 733-742 (2003)

van Baten, J.M., Ellenberger, J. and Krishna, R., Using CFD to describe the hydrodynamics of internal air-lift reactors, Canadian J Chem Eng, 81, 660-668 (2003)

van Baten, J.M. and Krishna, R., Comparison of hydrodynamics and mass transfer in airlift and bubble column reactors using CFD, Chemical Engineering & Technology, 26, 1074-1079 (2003)

Krishna, R. and van Baten, J.M., A strategy for scaling up the Fischer Tropsch bubble column slurry reactor, Topics in Catalysis, 26, 21 - 28 (2003)

2002: back to top

van Baten, J.M., and Krishna, R., Gas and liquid phase mass transfer within KATAPAK-S® structures studied using CFD simulations, Chemical Engineering Science, 57, 1531 - 1536 (2002)

van Baten, J.M. and Krishna, R., CFD simulations of a bubble column operating in the homogeneous and heterogeneous flow regimes, Chemical Engineering & Technology, 25, 1081 - 1086 (2002)

Krishna, R. and van Baten, J.M., Scaling up Bubble Column Reactors with Highly Viscous Liquid Phase, Chemical Engineering & Technology 25, 10 (2002)

2001: back to top

Krishna, R., van Baten, J.M., Urseanu, M.I., and Ellenberger, J., Design and scale-up of the bubble column slurry reactor for Fischer-Tropsch synthesis, Chem. Eng. Sci., 56, 537 - 545 (2001)

van Baten, J.M. and Krishna, R.,Eulerian simulations for determination of the axial dispersion of liquid and gas phases in bubble columns operating in the churn-turbulent regime, Chem. Eng. Sci., 56, 503 - 512 (2001)

van Baten, J.M., Ellenberger, J. and Krishna, R., Radial and axial dispersion of the liquid phase in a KATAPAK-S structure: Experiments vs CFD simulations, Chem. Eng. Sci., 56, 813 - 821 (2001)

Krishna, R., and van Baten, J.M., Using CFD for scaling up gas-solid bubbling fluidised bed reactors with Geldart A powders, Chem.Eng. Journal, 82, 247 - 257 (2001)

Krishna, R., van Baten, J.M., Urseanu, M.I. and Ellenberger, J., A scale up strategy for bubble column slurry reactors, Catalysis Today, 66, 199 - 207 (2001)

van Baten, J.M., Ellenberger, J. and Krishna, R., Hydrodynamics of reactive distillation tray column with catalyst containing envelopes: Experiments vs. CFD simulations, Catalysis Today, 66, 233 - 240 (2001)

Krishna, R., and van Baten, J.M., Simulating the Rise Characteristics of Gas bubbles in Liquids using Computational Fluid Dynamics, Chemical Engineering and Technology, 24, 427 - 430 (2001)

Krishna, R., van Baten, J.M., and Urseanu, M.I., Scale effects on the hydrodynamics of bubble columns operating in the homogeneous flow regime, Chemical Engineering and Technology, 24, 451 - 458 (2001)

Krishna, R. and van Baten, J.M., Scaling up bubble column reactors with the aid of CFD, Chemical Engineering Research and Design, TransIChemE, 79, 283-309 (2001)

van Baten, J.M. and Krishna, R., Liquid phase mass transfer within KATAPAK-S structures studied using CFD simulations, Catalysis Today, 69, 371-377 (2001)

van Baten, J.M., Ellenberger, J. and Krishna, R., Hydrodynamics of distillation tray column with structured catalyst containing envelopes: Experiments vs. CFD simulations, Chemical Engineering & Technology, 24, 1077-1081 (2001)

Krishna, R. and van Baten, J.M., Eulerian simulation of bubble columns operated at elevated pressures in the churn-turbulent regime, Chemical Engineering Science, 56, 6249 - 6258 (2001)

2000: back to top

van Baten, J.M. and Krishna, R., Modelling sieve tray hydraulics using computational fluid dynamics, Chem. Eng. Journal, 77, 143 - 152 (2000)

Krishna, R.. van Baten, J.M. and Urseanu, M.I., Three-phase Eulerian simulations of bubble column reactors operating in the churn-turbulent flow regime: A scale up strategy, Chem. Eng. Sci., 55, 3275 - 3286 (2000)

R. Krishna, M.I. Urseanu, J.M. van Baten and J. Ellenberger, Liquid phase dispersion in bubble columns operating in the churn-turbulent flow regime, Chem.Eng. Journal, 78, 43 - 51 (2000)

R. Krishna, J.M. van Baten, M.I. Urseanu and J. Ellenberger, Rise Velocity of Single Circular-Cap Bubbles in Two-dimensional Beds of Powders and Liquids, Chem. Eng. & Processing, 39, 433 - 440 (2000)

J.M. van Baten, CFD: a design and scale-up tool for multiphase reactors, PhD thesis, University of Amsterdam.

1999: back to top

Krishna, R., Urseanu, M.I., van Baten, J.M. and Ellenberger, J., Rise velocity of a swarm of large gas bubbles in liquids, Chem. Eng. Sci., 54, 171-183 (1999)

Krishna, R. and van Baten, J.M., Simulating the motion of gas bubbles in a liquid, Nature, 398, 208 (1999)

Krishna, R., Urseanu, M.I., van Baten, J.M. and Ellenberger, J., Influence of scale on the hydrodynamics of bubble columns operating in the churn-turbulent regime: Experiments vs Eulerian simulations, Chem. Eng. Sci, 54, 4903 - 4911 (1999)

Krishna, R., van Baten, J.M., Ellenberger, J., Higler, A.P. and Taylor, R., CFD simulations of sieve tray hydrodynamics, Chem. Eng. Research & Design, Trans.I.Chem.E., 77, 639 - 646 (1999)

Krishna, R., Urseanu, M.I., van Baten, J.M. and Ellenberger, J., Wall effects on the rise of single gas bubbles in liquids, Int. Commn. Heat Mass Transfer, 26, 781-790 (1999)

Krishna, R. and van Baten, J.M., Rise characteristics of gas bubbles in a 2D rectangular column: VOF simulations vs experiments, Int. Commn. Heat Mass Transfer, 26, 965 - 974 (1999)

1998: back to top

Krishna, R., van Baten, J.M. and Ellenberger, J., Scale effects in fluidized multiphase reactors, Powder Technology, 100, 137 - 146 (1998)