© 2025 Jasper van Baten, AmsterCHEM

Property Packages

Excel CAPE-OPEN Thermo Import allows access third party CAPE-OPEN Property Packages. It does not have built-in thermodynamics, so before you can add a Property Package to your workbook, make sure you have one or more CAPE-OPEN compliant thermodynamic servers installed at your computer.

Excel CAPE-OPEN Thermo Import supports CAPE-OPEN 1.1 compliant Property Package Managers and stand-alone Property Packages. If you are running 32-bit Excel, the 32-bit versions of such thermodynamics will need to be installed. If you are running 64-bit Excel, your thermodynamics server must also run as 64-bit.

A variety of commerical process simulators exposes their thermodynamics via CAPE-OPEN. Also free thermodynamic servers are available. Please visit http://www.amsterchem.com/, or http://www.cocosimulator.org/, or http://www.colan.org/, for more information.

To add a property package, click the + button on the Property Package group on the CAPE-OPEN Thermo ribbon:


When adding a Property Package, the name that is to be used for the Property Package is specified as well. This name will be shown in the list of Property Package on the ribbon, and is passed to thermodynamic calculation functions.

More than one Property Package can be added to your workbook; the ribbon will show the details of the currently selected Property Package.

After a Property Package is added, it can be edited, provided that this functionality is supported by the thermodynamic server. The modifications are stored in the workbook.

Click the delete button to remove the selected Property Package.

chemical formula
compound constants
compound names
constant properties
edit property packages
flash calculations
getting started
mixture properties
molecular weight
phase equilibrium
property package
property package manager
pure compound properties
single phase properties
stand-alone property package
system requirements
temperature dependent properties
two-phase properties
unit of measure
 Property Packages
 Function reference