getSinglePhaseProperty is used to retrieve single phase mixture properties.
String; name of the property. The following single phase properties may be supported,
depending on the underlying thermo system:
property name | description | unit of measure |
activity | Activity | - |
activityCoefficient | Activity coefficient | - |
compressibility | Isothermal compressibility: (1/V) d V / d P | 1 / Pa |
compressibilityFactor | Compressibility factor: Z = (P V) / (R T) | - |
density | Density | mol / m3 |
diffusionCoefficient | Binary diffusion coefficients for all species in mixture relative to all other species | m2 / s |
dissociationConstant | Chemical equilibrium constant corresponding to a dissociation reaction | - |
enthalpy | Default enthalpy | J / mol |
enthalpyF | Enthalpy, including formation terms | J / mol |
enthalpyNF | Enthalpy, not including formation terms | J / mol |
entropy | Default entropy | J / (mol K) |
entropyF | Entropy, including formation terms | J / mol / K |
entropyNF | Entropy, not including formation terms | J / mol / K |
excessEnthalpy | Excess enthalpy | J / mol |
excessEntropy | Excess entropy | J / mol / K |
excessGibbsEnergy | Excess Gibbs energy | J / mol |
excessHelmholtzEnergy | Excess Helmholtz energy | J / mol |
excessInternalEnergy | Excess internal energy | J / mol |
excessVolume | Excess volume | m3 / mol |
fugacity | Fugacity | Pa |
fugacityCoefficient | Fugacity coefficient | - |
gibbsEnergy | Gibbs free energy | J / mol |
heatCapacityCp | Heat capacity at constant pressure | J / mol / K |
heatCapacityCv | Heat capacity at constant volume | J / mol / K |
helmholtzEnergy | Helmholtz free energy | J / mol |
internalEnergy | Internal energy | J / mol |
jouleThomsonCoefficient | Joule Thomsom coefficient: derivative of temperature w.r.t. pressure at constant enthalpy | K / Pa |
logFugacity | Natural logarithm of fugacity (expressed in Pa) | - |
logFugacityCoefficient | Natural logarithm of fugacity coefficient | - |
meanActivityCoefficient | The geometrical mean of the activity coefficients of the ions in an electrolyte solution | - |
molecularWeight | Relative molecular weight | gr / mol |
osmoticCoefficient | A measure of water activities | - |
pH | pH | - |
pOH | pOH | - |
speedOfSound | Thermodynamic speed of sound | m / s |
thermalConductivity | Thermal conductivity | W / m / K |
viscosity | Viscosity | Pa s |
volume | Volume | m3 / mol |
to the property name, e.g.
. Pressure derivatives may be obtained by adding .Dpressure
. Mole fraction derivatives
may be obtained by adding .DmolFraction
. Mole number derivatives - for a total of 1 mole of mixture - may be obtained
by by adding .Dmoles
String; name of the phase for which to retrieve the property. The defined phase names depend on the underlying thermo system.
Double; temperature (K) at which to retrieve the property values
Double; pressure (Pa) at which to retrieve the property values
Double; composition at which to retrieve the property values. This must be a vector, with the number of elements equal
to the number of compounds.
Double; values for the properties. Depending on the property, this may be a scalar value (e.g. enthalpy), a vector value (one value for each compound, e.g. logFugacityCoefficient),
or a matrix (number of compounds squared, e.g. logFugacityCoefficient.Dmolfraction)
-->h=getSinglePhaseProperty("enthalpy","vapor",500,101325,[0.1 0.3 0.2 0.4])
h =
uom =
J / mol
-->hdp=getSinglePhaseProperty("enthalpy.Dpressure","vapor",500,101325,[0.1 0.3 0.2 0.4])
hdp =
- 0.0000454
uom =
J / mol / Pa
-->hdx=getSinglePhaseProperty("enthalpy.DmolFraction","vapor",500,101325,[0.1 0.3 0.2 0.4])
hdx =
10576.583 5879.2317 13126.138 5913.349
uom =
J / mol
-->f=getSinglePhaseProperty("logFugacityCoefficient","liquid",500,101325,[0.1 0.3 0.2 0.4])
f =
9.9023979 10.93454 9.6735163 10.628362
-->f=getSinglePhaseProperty("logFugacityCoefficient.DmolFraction","liquid",500,101325,[0.1 0.3 0.2 0.4])
f =
- 1.2345792 - 0.3962918 - 1.3625699 - 0.5794488
- 2.1502121 - 0.9038575 - 2.4539553 - 1.3200498
- 0.9779875 - 0.3154517 - 1.1004894 - 0.4243725
- 1.7359584 - 0.7226563 - 1.9654613 - 1.072765