© 2025 Jasper van Baten, AmsterCHEM

Getting started

REFPROP installation

REFPROP CAPE-OPEN requires a separate installation of the REFPROP application; specifically it requires the refprop.dll and the .fld files to be present on your computer. The first time REFPROP CAPE-OPEN is run, it will look for the REFPROP application in its default installation folder. If the REFPROP.dll is not located there, you will be asked to locate the dll by manually.

COM object

REFPROP CAPE-OPEN is a COM object. COM objects must be registered to function. This is already done by the installation program for the current user. You can manually register the COM object for other users by using

regsvr32.exe refpropco.dll

at the command prompt, or unregister the COM object by

regsvr32.exe /u refpropco.dll

REFPROP 64 bit version

For the 64-bit version of this software to work, the x64 REFPRP64.dll needs to be located in the same folder as the folder containing REFPROP.dll. This DLL is part of REFPROP 9.1 or higher.

For registration of the x64 DLL versions, please use

regsvr32.exe refpropco64.dll

at the command prompt, or unregister the COM object by

regsvr32.exe /u refpropco64.dll

Property Packages

REFPROP CAPE-OPEN is a Property Package Manager. You can configure separate Property Packages for different purposes. A Property Package is a collection of compounds, and calculation methods. A REFPROP property package contains a name, description, references to *.fld files, optionally calculation method overrides and a file containing the mixture coefficients.

A configuration application, REFPROP_CAPEOPEN.exe, allows for offline configuration of Property Packages. Property Packages are text files with a *.rpp file extension, and are located in the user's Application Data folder, under sub-folder RefPropCO\PropertyPackages. This way, Property Package files can be copied to other computers manually. For more information, see Configuring Property Packages.

Calculation methods
COM registration
Compound constants
Configuring Property Packages
Editing Property Packages
Flash calculations
Fluid files
Getting started
Mixture coefficients
Mixture properties
Property derivatives
Property Package files
Single-phase properties
Supported properties
Temperature dependent properties
Two-phase properties
User data
 Getting started
 Configuring Property Packages
 Supported calculations