To specify which properties are to be saved in the XFlow file, edit the unit operation and go to the Settings tab. In the bottom pane, the overall properties to be saved are shown on the left, while the right side shows the properties to be saved for each present phase. The top lists show the properties to be saved in the order in which they are saved. The order can be changed by selecting properties in the list and clicking the Up and Down buttons.
The bottom lists show the properties that are available for saving. These can be added to the selected properties, by selecting the properties in the bottom list and clicking the Add button. To remove properties that had been selected earlier, select them in the top list and click the Remove button.
The properties that are available in the bottom list are those that are in the Property Configuration File and the ones for which the connected feed stream (if any) indicates that they are supported.
Further details about which data to save in the XFlow file are available from the Advanced Options tab.